Saturday, September 29, 2007

Term Life Insurance for Those Who Work in Hazardous Occupations

Term Life Insurance for Those Who Work in Hazardous Occupations by Sharon Taylor

As overall lifestyle is taken into consideration when applying for term life insurance coverage, one of the principals that underwriter's evaluate when deciding to grant approval is your career. Applicants who risk their lives or are subject to potential disability on a regular basis will pay a higher term life insurance premium than the average person in relatively "risk free" occupations.

Hazardous Occupations

Many people must work in hazardous occupations as their primary source of income. Pilots, aviation or scuba diving instructors or firefighters are a few examples of high risk jobs. As unfair as it might seem, all these professionals can expect to pay higher term life insurance premiums. However, reasonable term life insurance coverage is still possible if you obtain necessary licenses and take safety classes. It is best to ask your insurance carrier about the necessary requirements so that you can meet them before applying for coverage.

Waiver of Premium Rider

For those of you who work in jobs that could potentially disable you physically, you may want to consider a "Waiver of Premium Rider." By adding this rider to your term life insurance policy, your premiums will be waived should you become totally disabled. This type of rider is ideal for those who work in jobs such as metal or iron work or any hazardous occupation where you have to deal with chemicals, fire or specialized machinery.

Usually waiver of premium riders change along with any term life insurance policy premium changes (such as an increase due to age). The waiver of premium rider terminates on the renewal date closest to your 60th birthday.

Choosing a Term Life Insurance Carrier

If you work in a hazardous occupation, it is important that you do you due diligence when choosing a term life insurance carrier since you are in the "high risk" category. Not only should you make sure to choose an A or A+ rated term life insurance company, but it is also important to check what kind of "mortality table" the carrier uses. Mortality tables help determine the premiums you pay by measuring what kind of risk you are. Many term life insurance companies use older tables, for example, on 30-year old data. If your insurance company stays up-to-date they will employ a method called "clinical medical underwriting." This method takes into consideration all the current medical advances and lifestyle choices that allow people with medical/disability problems to live long and productive lives.

Getting several quotes for insurance policies will ensure that you get the best term life insurance rates and coverage. Why pay more than you already do working in a hazardous occupation?

About the Author
Sharon Taylor is an expert life insurance writer and frequent contributor to eQUOTE Life Insurance. eQUOTE is a leading Internet resource for life insurance prices, quotes and comprehensive life insurance resource information.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why People Buy Life Insurance

Why People Buy Life Insurance
by Donald Lusan

Have you ever considered why people buy life insurance? I know the salesmen and the creators of the policies themselves have thought about it because if they didn't these policies simply wouldn't sell. Probably the greatest life insurance salesman ever once said that "selling is 98% understanding human beings and 2% product knowledge". Another question that is worth exploring is why do some people not own any life insurance at all. Why would you buy life insurance?

Love of Family
More often than not the reason people buy life insurance is because they care about what their loved ones will experience if they should die suddenly. This caring can be expressed in different ways. The Hawaiian people, I am told, have such a deep passion for the well being of their families that they will go to extreme limits to protect them. They tend to buy lots of life insurance as a result.

There are others who buy life insurance through a deep sense of responsibility. They love their families but they are driven more by the fact that the family relies on them so they have to live up to what is expected of them.

Tax Advantages
Some people, especially the business minded, buy life insurance for the tax advantages the purchase provides. The death benefit of the policy is paid free of Federal Income Taxes more often than not. If the policy is part of your estate the proceeds are taxable.

If you own cash value life insurance the cash value and dividends accumulate tax free. When you cash in the policy you will need to pay the taxes on the interest earned. The reason this is advantage is that these policies are usually cashed in round and about retirement time. Your income is likely to be less than when you were working so you would be in a lower tax bracket.

Tax Shelters
The most highly paid life insurance salesmen are the ones who know the tax laws inside out. Here is how they do it. They are usually qualified Financial Planners. Some are Attorneys or Accountants. What they do is to show well off people legal ways of sheltering their income from Income Taxes. They save them a lot of money. As a result these clients think nothing of putting some of the money in a life insurance policy that they need anyway. They need to buy life insurance to protect their families. A large portion of an estate can easily go to pay estate taxes. These people buy life insurance policies sufficient to pay the taxes upon death.

The reasons we buy life insurance may vastly differ but everyone needs to buy some sort of a policy...if it is even just to take care of final expenses.

Here are some things that everyone should consider:

And for the person who owns a business:

About the Author
For more than 40 years Donald has been known for his extensive knowledge of the life insurance business. He has represented some of the largest and most admired life insurance companies in the United States as well as Canada. His advice is invaluable.

Donald's website is:

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for More Than the Cash Value

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for More Than the Cash Value
by Robert D. Cavanaugh, CLU

Most people do not know they can sell an insurance policy. There are companies that will pay you more than the cash value. Even term insurance, which has no cash value, is a candidate for purchase.

This transaction is called a life settlement. Life settlements have been on the scene since 1995; they are not new. While the purchase is facilitated by an insurance company, the buyers typically are pension and institutional funds which hold the policies in their investment portfolios.

Here are three common reasons why a person would sell their insurance policy...

1. The policy has outlived its usefulness.

78% of all insurance is purchased for family protection. Families with children insure the breadwinner(s) until they have had the time to build up an estate or an adequate 401(k) plan to provide for the family, pay off a mortgage and educate the children. Most people have been there and done that.

However, later in life these needs may have disappeared. The house is paid for, the kids have been to college and your 401(k) plan has a balance ten times greater than your life insurance face value.

Rather than continue to pay premiums, or surrender it for its cash value, you can sell it for more than the cash value. Buy a boat, take an extended vacation or go down to the dealership and plunk down cash for that car you have always wanted.

2. The policy has a large loan.

There are three common ways a policy can acquire a large loan.

First, at some point you simply took a maximum loan against your policy. It could have been to satisfy an emergency, take advantage of an investment opportunity--any number of things. But the loan was never repaid.

Second, you could have taken a modest loan years ago and never paid anything toward the principal. Every year, however, you received a bill for the interest due. If you are like many people, this goes in the round file and you never pay the interest. What happens is that the interest gets added to the loan. So what is originally simple interest turns into compound interest.

Over time, the loan and the unpaid interest can consume the entire cash value. That's when you get the letter from the insurance company telling you that to keep the policy in force, you need to come up with some astronomical amount of money.

But that's not the worst of it. When you call your agent to see what your other options might be, he or she informs you that if the policy lapses, there will be a gain (cash value less premiums paid) that the insurance company is required to report to the IRS. Worse yet is the fact that there is no money in the insurance policy to pay the tax (remember it lapsed for lack of premium payment and/or lack of any remaining values). So you are going to have to come up with the tax from someplace else. I don't think you would consider getting this information one of your better days.

3. You own Universal Life and interest rates have declined.

Getting this news is another bad day at the mail box. This time the letter from the insurance company says that in order to keep the policy in force, you have to come up with more than you could get for your first born.

How this occurs goes back to when you bought your policy. One of the major factors in determining the premium for a given face amount of Universal Life is the interest rate assumption made in the original proposal. Remember the double-digit interest rates? You could have bought your policy during this time frame. Most insurance agents would have suggested using a lower interest rate assumption to be conservative. However, interest rates have declined to even below these play-it-safe assumptions.

The sale of your insurance policy averts all three of these problems. In the first case, you don't have to pay any more premiums for coverage that is no longer needed. In the second, the problem you have with the loan disappears and is replaced by cash. And in the third, the probable lapse of the policy due to the fact that the premium to maintain the coverage is off the charts is offset by the cash received via a sale.

Robert D. Cavanaugh, CLU is a 36-year financial and estate planning veteran and author of the free newsletter, "The Estate Preservation Advisor". For cutting-edge, easy-to-understand financial planning resources and techniques to increase your income, reduce taxes and preserve your estate and to claim the free video, "How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for More than the Cash Value", go to

About the Author
Robert D. Cavanaugh, CLU is a 36-year financial and estate planning veteran and author of the free newsletter, "The Estate Preservation Advisor". For cutting-edge techniques to increase your income, reduce taxes and preserve your estate and to claim the free video, "How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for More than the Cash Value", go to http://theestatepreservationadviso

Friday, May 25, 2007

How To Compare Low Cost Long Term Care Insurance In Arizona

How To Compare Low Cost Long Term Care Insurance In Arizona
by Elizabeth Newberry

When comparing low cost long-term health insurance, Arizona residents must compare facilities on an apple-to-apple basis. To compare an Assisted living facility to a nursing home, will do nothing but frustrate you and may be the cause of making an uninformed decision. Below we'll discuss the differences of a few of the long-term care facilities. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Do your research to find out all of the different types of long term care facilities to help you to make an informed decision:

1. Adult Day Care: This type of care provides health-monitoring services such as checking blood pressure, ensuring the patient is getting adequate amounts of food/liquid. They also ensure brain stimulation by engaging the patient in social activities and physical activities. If necessary they will help with personal hygiene performing tasks such as helping with bathing, shampooing, shaving and toileting.

2. Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities provide help for people that require assistance with their daily living activities, but do not require 24 hour 7 day a week help. In essence assisted living is the step in between living at home and moving into a nursing home full time. Depending on the facility, some of the services provided are cooking, bathing, laundry, dressing, housekeeping and medication.

3. Hospice: Hospice provides services to patients who are terminally ill. Hospice provides pain management, medical care, spiritual and emotional support. These services may be provided in the patient's home or in a facility. Hospice's philosophy is to make the patient's final days pain free, lived with dignity and provide the best quality of life as possible.

4. Nursing Home: Nursing Homes are in house facilities that provide both recuperative and non-recuperative long-term care. Although generally considered a place for the elderly, nursing home patients may range in age from young to old. These facilities provide 24-hour care for patients who are unable to care for themselves whether it is a result of aging, illness or physical disability.

About the Author
Fast Long Term Care Quotes in Arizona Cheap Long Term Care Insurance

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Series "What the doctors aren't telling you about health". 1-The Loop

Series "What the doctors aren't telling you about health". 1-The Loop
by Clark Haroldson

Have you had your first heart scare yet?

It usually starts with pains in the chest, perhaps breathlessness or pains in the arm?

But you gave up smoking several years ago and you always keep fit,exercising two to three times per week. So what has happened?

You are now in the loop having all those tests and that cocktail of drugs the doctors has you on. Well you don't want to take them but you've no choice really have you?

You are feeling scared but you don't want to admit it.

Don't feel bad, you're just normal and something is happening to you that is outside your control and you are just trying to make some sense of it. Well that was my experience too pretty scary I can tell you. I've been very active all of my life. I played soccer from being a youth and then took to playing squash and racquet ball.

True I had smoked for years but it's more than twenty since I gave up.

I had chest pains down the middle of my chest. My doctor who knew my history and my activity levels checked my heart and said it's probably o.k. but I should go to the clinic for more thorough tests.

He was right of course but that was the start.

I entered the clinical process 'THE LOOP' as I like to call it. Getting into 'THE LOOP' was easy, getting out was the hardest thing in the world. After all the tests and the endless waiting and worrying (including an angiogram) I was told I had an artery that was 70% blocked. What did that mean? The doctors still hadn't related my pains to a heart condition. I told them I'd had a couple of injuries playing soccer but it made no difference.

It took six months for them to decide to just leave me on a cocktail of drugs and wait and see what would happen. The drugs of course were the insurance policy-the just in case whether I needed them or not.

The pharmaceutical companies would be grateful for that prognosis but I wasn't.

The hardest part of the whole process was getting to grips with the psychological aspects of the experience. Was I now subhuman? How were people looking at me? Had my life changed for ever? Would ever get my health back?

It is a very difficult thing to buck the system to take responsibility for your own health but you can do it.

Being an inquisitive kind of guy I asked the doctor "Is it possible to reduce this plaque buildup in my arteries". He replied emphatically 'NO'! But my searches on the internet told me different.

After my research I became convinced I could reverse the process of plaque buildup-in other words clean up my arteries. I tried to convince my doctor and the cardiologist and everyone I spoke to connected to the medical profession but to no avail.

Take the insurance policy they said; this time it was my reply that was an emphatic NO!

Here I am two and a half years later still playing squash twice a week and soccer once. I feel really fit. I have changed my lifestyle of course and discovered much about how to be healthy, learning the 'Secrets' I would like to share with you (more on that later). Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the western world today. What many people don't realize is that they can prevent it before it happens.

They just need to know what to do!

I have personally struggled taking responsibility for my own health, its difficult but well worth it in the long run.

In my next letter I will tell you what I did about taking responsibility and how it changed my life.

Talk to you soon and be well.

About the Author
I hope that you enjoyed this article if you did then sign up for my free newsletter at >>>> where you will learn health tips secrets and ways to build great health!

Hal runs several limited companies and consults on a diverse range of business aspects. He is a keen sportsman and has a sharp sense of humour.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Term Life Insurance With Disability Rider

Term Life Insurance With Disability Rider
by Sharon Taylor

As all industries are always trying to find a need that appeals to the mass markets, insurance companies have come up with a way of adding a disability rider to your term life insurance policy for those that desire the combined coverage. This type of coverage would be ideal for those who work in occupations that require and rely on the constant use of their bodies and frequent physical activity. Having some security in knowing bodily injury would not mean complete financial ruin makes a term life policy with disability rider an asset worth considering.

What Exactly is a Rider?

A "rider," which may also be known as an "endorsement," adds more coverage to an existing policy. You must purchase a rider at the same time you buy your term life insurance policy. Riders modify an original policy and its provisions override anything in an original life insurance policy. For instance, if you buy a term life policy and there is any conflict between the provisions of the term life and the disability rider, the rules of the disability rider would take precedent.

Riders may also exclude or remove coverage from your term life policy, but in most cases it adds to it. It is best to contact a financial advisor for a term life with disability rider quote as prices may vary. Riders, of course, will add to the premium of a regular term life policy because you are benefiting from extra coverage.

Adding a disability rider to a term life insurance policy will pay the owner of such policy a pre-determined amount of income after the insured has been disabled for a specified amount of time. The waiting period varies from carrier to carrier. The waiting period is the time immediately after the insured is determined to have the disability in their claim. No benefits are paid during the waiting period so it is always best to have some kind of emergency "cushion" in your bank account to cover yourself while you are unable to earn an income.

An important factor to consider when you buy term life with a disability rider is that you may not purchase a face value amount more than the average income you have earned over the last two year period before your disability is determined. With this coverage, you will not be paid more than you were originally earning prior to your disability. You are not allowed to make more being disabled than you were earning in a completely healthy state.

Additionally, the disability with term life rider will only kick in after all of the other benefits for which you are eligible take affect. For example, you will first be paid by worker's compensation, social security, lost wage policies and/or any other salary continuation plan of which you are eligible through your job. The disability rider will then compensate you for the remaining balance of what those other agencies do not pay equaling what your current average salary was over the last two years. You will have to check with your carrier as to how long your benefits will be in affect after you are determined disabled. Some carriers give you a two year limit of benefits and you may need to look into other options if you think you may need longer coverage.

Peace of Mind

Only you can determine if adding a disability rider to your term life insurance policy is worth the extra expense. If you rely on your body and your occupation is physically demanding, it may give you peace of mind knowing you have extra coverage in the event you should become disabled and unable to continue your employment.

About the Author
Sharon Taylor writes informative articles for eQUOTE Life Insurance, a premier Internet resource for term life insurance with disability rider.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Cheap Term Life Insurance Quotes - Where to Get Them

Cheap Term Life Insurance Quotes - Where to Get Them
by Brian Stevens

Cheap term life insurance quotes are easy to find. In fact, term life insurance is the cheapest kind of life insurance you can buy. Even so, you want to make sure you get the best deal on your term life insurance, which means taking a little time to decide how much insurance you need, getting several quotes to compare, then investigating the insurance companies.

Decide How Much Insurance You Need

You may have term life insurance through your employer, with coverage equal to one or two times your annual salary. This is usually not enough life insurance to protect your family. Instead, you may need five to ten times your annual salary, depending on how many children and how much debt you have.

Even parents who don't have jobs need term life insurance. If your primary job is to take care of your children, your spouse will likely have to pay someone else to take care of them if you die.

You'll also want to decide what term you want. You can buy term life insurance for periods of one to thirty years.

Get Several Quotes to Compare

The best way to know that you've found cheap term life insurance is to compare quotes from several companies. The Internet makes this task easy - you can go to insurance web sites, complete one form, and get fast quotes from multiple A+ rated life insurance companies.

On the best insurance websites you can even get quick answers to your insurance questions by chatting online with an insurance professional (see link below).

Investigate Insurance Companies

Once you have your term life insurance quotes, you'll want to check the ratings of the insurance companies. After all, you want a cheap quote, but you also want a company that's stable and will be able to pay your life insurance claim.

To check the ratings of an insurance company, your best source is a credit agency like Standard & Poor's (, or a financial rating company like A.M. Best ( You can also check with your state's department of insurance website to see how many claims have been filed against a particular company.

Visit or click on the following link to get cheap term life insurance quotes from top-rated companies in your area and see how much you can save. You can get insurance tips in their "Articles" section.

About the Author
The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written a number of articles on getting cheap term life insurance quotes.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Life Insurance For A Successful Business Owner, Life Insurance is ALWAYS The Answer

Life Insurance For A Successful Business Owner, Life Insurance is ALWAYS The Answer
by Wayne Messick

If life insurance is ALWAYS the answer, what's the question?

The question is, "what is the most effective way of adding cash to your business, at the most and often the most unexpected time?"

When someone dies, usually a surprise to everybody, cash is required. It's required to repay loans, it's required to replace a key person, and it's required to pay taxes.

Make no mistake about it, cash will be required and it will have to come from someplace.

Where will the cash come from? Will someone drop off a check, will you simply take the cash out of savings, or will you have to raise the money some other way?

In over three decades working with business owners I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who had the liquid assets required to pay all the bills.

If you are one of those rare individuals I salute you. I am sure that sort of financial security did not happen by accident.

Let's face it, these people had to be successful enough to make enough of a profit (after income taxes) to save enough money (taxes again?) and have enough time for it to multiply - thanks to the miracle of compound interest.

Does it make sense to use these dollars - that were so hard to create - to pay taxes and loans? Especially when they could have bought the dollars they would need for these expenses, for literally pennies apiece.

This article is not for those fortunate few, since they are few and far between and have no doubt figured this fact out for themselves anyway.

For the rest of us, what should we do? Well maybe we can raise enough money at a moment's notice, maybe tomorrow, to pay all the required expenses resulting from a 'premature' death.

How's that going to work out? If you are like most business owners at least 80% of all your assets are tied up directly or indirectly in the business. These assets are being used by the business to generate your revenues.

Sell one of these assets and its corresponding ability to help your business generate revenues is taken away forever. So selling an asset that is currently part of your company's backbone - in order to give the money away to the tax man or your banker does not make common sense, much less financial sense.

Why not borrow the money to pay debts, taxes and other final expenses? That's the ticket!

You have excess income now so - borrow the money to pay the taxes, pay the mortgages, pay off your partner's widow, then pay it all back plus interest from future earnings. Sounds about right doesn't it?

But just to make sure, go to the bank in the morning and run this by your banker. Ask how this scenario would work out. Have the banker add up the numbers and then sign a contract guaranteeing that they will loan your the money, no matter what the state of your business is or when the need arises.

This is a way to see just how confident they are about your ability to make this work. What do you think your banker will do?

If your business is incorporated maybe you can raise the money to pay taxes, mortgages and buy out your fellow shareholders stock - by selling some of your stock in your company.

Now you can't sell so much that you lose control of the business. Just sell a minority interest and you'll have the money you need and you won't have to pay it back.

Be serious. Where do you think you'll find someone willing to pay cash for a minority interest in a privately owned company that has never paid a dividend? Anyone that naive is not going to have the money - unless they inherited it. Is this the sort of person you want for a partner to help you grow your business in the future?

There are lots of scenarios. Actually I feel silly make the above suggestions. You and I both know you would never have been successful in the first place if you believed any of them are really actionable, practical, or viable.

Don't panic. Maybe there is another solution.

Ask your spouse to call your lawyer and set up an appointment - without you. At the meeting tell the lawyer you died the night before and it's critical to get a handle on the current situation.

How much cash will be required, when and by whom? What about your partner and what are the cash requirements to continue the company into the future the way you would have wanted it?

If you have successors and key employees and managers - what will happen to them and their security and can the business afford to hire a replacement for you, meet the cash obligations, and have enough money left over for your spouse?

But you're not going to do that are you? You do not have the courage. And if you did, would your lawyer's advice pass the sniff test? Is it the advice they would give their spouse?

In my experience there are many ways, some complicated and some simple, through business and estate planning strategies to reduce your future liabilities. If you have enough time that is.

There are lots of planning possibilities if you start soon enough and have long enough for the planning to work.

Life insurance buys you the time you need!

So, let's cut to the chase. Before the sun sets tomorrow, talk to a life insurance agent you trust!

It's critical you trust them, so you'll be willing to tell the truth about what you owe, what you own, and what commitments you've made.

If they are experts in estate and business planning for people like you, great! They will have ideas that have worked for people you can identify with - people you can call on the phone.

And if they are not an expert in business and estate planning, it's not important it. In fact if you are the only (or largest) business owner they know - it's not important, if you trust them.

I guarantee you they'll have someone in their organization, someone they trust, that is experiences helping people just like you solve problems just like yours!

They have seen it all before. You think your business is unique, wrong. You think your family situation is unique, wrong again. You think you, your partners, and your key employees will live forever - or at least until you have everything set up, you're delusional.

It's my bet that your trusted life insurance agent will be the most valuable part of the whole planning equation.

Not only have they seen what works and what doesn't, not only do they have dozens of products that can be massaged into liquidity producing instruments, they are the only people on earth who can guarantee you that your business will have the money it needs - the very moment it needs it.

To help you along in the process of considering what kinds of life insurance and what kind is right for you, we collected a hundred or so articles about life insurance.

About the Author
You'll find the life insurance articles you're looking for by going to and using our keyword based internal search engine. Or you can go directly to our Life Insurance Article Directory for 100 articles.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

How to Find Affordable Universal Life Insurance Rates

How to Find Affordable Universal Life Insurance Rates
by Brian Stevens

Looking for universal life insurance? Here's how to find affordable life insurance rates quickly and easily.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is a modified, flexible form of whole life insurance. Part of your premium goes toward insurance coverage, while the rest is invested to increase the policy's cash value.

Benefits of Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is the most flexible of all life insurance plans:

* It lets you choose the amount of protection you want, increasing or decreasing your coverage as your needs change.

* It lets you control the amount and frequency of your payments. If you have extra cash, you can pay more and the extra money grows tax-deferred. If you're short on cash, you can pay less and let the policy's accumulated cash value pay the remainder of the monthly charges.

If you do decide to invest in a universal life insurance policy, be sure you plan to keep the policy for at least 15 years. It will usually take that long before you are eligible for any return on the policy.

Affordable Universal Life Insurance Rates

When you buy life insurance, you want a policy that will take care of your family's needs without costing an arm and a leg. The easiest way to find affordable universal life insurance is to go to an online comparison website.

Once there you'll be asked to fill out a simple form that will allow you to tailor you life insurance to your needs. You'll get fast quotes from multiple companies, then you can choose the best rate.

Some websites even offer a chat feature that lets you talk online with an insurance expert and get answers to all your questions (See link below.)

Get the Company's Rating

You're counting on your insurance company to take care of your family in case of your death. Therefore, you want to choose a company that's safe and reliable. Before you decide on a company, go to the A.M Best website ( to check the company's financial rating.

Visit or click on the following link to get affordable universal life insurance rates in your area from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more renters insurance tips by checking out their "Articles" section.

About the Author
The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on affordable universal life insurance rates.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sharing the secret of success

Sharing the secret of success
by Marty Keller

What Happens When 3 Extraordinary Teachers from "the Secret" Come Together to Teach the Science of Getting Rich? By (Marty Keller)

The Science of Getting Rich is a timeless classic written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. It is a bold title for a book and suggests that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book. Here is how Wallace D. Wattles puts it in his own words, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

Certainly, this book is well referenced by many of the great teachers today and it is the same book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to produce that runaway success "the Secret". Here is what Rhonda Byrne said on her introductory note to the book, "I can honestly say that, since that first night when a tattered printed manuscript found its way to me (thanks to one of my daughters), my life has never been the same. Once you read it for yourself, you will understand why". Rhonda went on to produce the movie "the Secret" and the best-selling book of the same title which has sold millions of copies worldwide.

However, learning how to do things in that "certain way" as described by Wallace D. Wattles may be more challenging for some as the book was written nearly 100 years ago. Some of the language is a little dated and much of its wisdom lost from a modern day perspective.

Fortunately, a new training seminar for the Science of Getting Rich has brought the wisdom of this timeless classic back to life for modern readers. Called "the Science of Getting Rich", this program is the most comprehensive training system for mastering Wallace D. Wattles wealth creation philosophies and principles since its creation. It comprises written, audio and live seminar formats for learning, applying and mastering the Science of Getting Rich.

A unique "twist" to the program is the fact that it has an in-built vehicle for creating substantial financial wealth through its affiliate program. This is truly a unique wealth education and wealth-building program designed to empower any individual with the resources to get rich. It is a program whose time has come. The program would not be possible without the original text from Wallace D. Wattles, the skills of leading teachers of our time, the phenomenal success of "the Secret" and the Internet as a learning and distribution tool. Copy and paste the link below to learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich and the details of the program.

The Science of Getting Rich Teachers: Bob Proctor Learn The Secret Behind The Science of Getting Rich

Bob Proctor is an author, lecturer, counselor, business consultant, entrepreneur, and teacher preaching the gospel of positive thinking, self-motivation and maximizing human potential. In that endeavor, he follows in the footsteps of such motivational giants as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale and Wallace D. Wattles.

His extraordinary teaching ability has won Proctor acclaim around the globe and has carried the Canadian-born motivator to the far reaches of the earth. He is as well known in Australia and Malaysia as he is in Alberta and Mississippi.

Born in a little town in northern Ontario, Canada with the low self-esteem that often befalls a family's middle child, he performed poorly in school, dropped out and did a hitch in the navy. Afterward he drifted from one dead-end job to another until a friend introduced Bob to the concept of self-development through Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich.

With the spark generated by Hill's words, Proctor found the initiative to start an office cleaning business, which he grew to international scope in his first year of operation. From that experience - after seeing what he had been able to accomplish with just a rudimentary knowledge of personal motivation and goal setting - he hungered for more information.

His quest took him to the Nightingale-Conant organization to study under his mentor, Earl Nightingale. Once on board, he rose swiftly through the ranks. Eventually, while the Nightingale-Conant organization assumed the forefront in wide-scale distribution of personal development programs, Bob felt the need to take his ideas and methods directly to the individual, to the one-on-one level, which had proved so successful for himself.

In the mid 1970's, Proctor established his own seminar company and secured a contract to work with a few hundred agents of Prudential Life Insurance Co. of America in Chicago. During his first seminar Bob made the suggestion that any agent present could write $5 million in business that year if the agent made a decision to do so.

The fact that the seminar took place in July with the year half over and that no agent in that region had ever written so much business in the 100-year history of the company made Bob's suggestion appear to be outrageous. However, when the performance level of the entire division increased substantially with more than one agent actually accomplishing the deed, Bob's reputation as a motivator was established.

Over the ensuing years, Proctor has shared his special message and expertise with hundreds of business entities worldwide and, through a program of live seminars, with thousands of people of all ages in all walks of life.

Meanwhile, in addition to his international best seller You Were Born Rich, he found time to author other works as well, including Mission in Commission, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever, The Success Series, The Success Puzzle, The Recruiting Puzzle, and Being Your Very Best. Copy and paste the link below now to find out for yourself at Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is best known as the founder and co-creator of The New York Times No. 1 best-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series, which currently has over 65 titles and 80 million copies in print in over 37 languages. According to USA Today, Canfield and his writing partner, Mark Victor Hansen, were the top-selling authors in the United States in 1997.

With a BA from Harvard University, a Masters from University of Massachusetts, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Santa Monica, Canfield has been a high school and university teacher, a workshop facilitator, a psychotherapist, and for the past 30 years, a leading authority in the area of self-esteem and personal development.

Canfield is the founder of "Self Esteem Seminars" in Santa Barbara, and "The Foundation for Self Esteem" in Culver City, California. Self Esteem Seminars trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and employees on how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals, while The Foundation for Self Esteem provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals. Canfield is also the President of, a speaking resource service that provides inspirational speakers for event planners worldwide.

Canfield has traveled to over 21 countries, delivering hundreds of keynote speeches, workshops and trainings each year. As part of his presentation style, he always uses inspirational, motivational and uplifting stories to help his audiences discover, experience and retain key concepts and approaches. After each session, audiences everywhere had encouraged him to put his stories into a single book.

In 1990, while on an airplane home, he felt that it was time. He shared his idea with author Mark Victor Hansen during breakfast one day. Hansen liked the idea, and so began the Chicken Soup for the Soul phenomenon. But with their busy schedules, translating what worked on the podium onto the written page proved more challenging than either of them had anticipated. After three long years, the two had compiled just sixty-eight stories -- a far cry from the 101 they believed was the magic number for a successful book. Nonetheless, their successful partnership has spawned many other titles that have made them enormously famous.

Canfield has appeared on numerous television shows, including Good Morning America, 20/20, Eye-to-Eye, CNN's Talk Back Live, PBS and the BBC. Today, he speaks shares his success strategies with companies and associations worldwide.

The most recent book Canfield has written was the 2005 publication of The Success Principles. In it Canfield shares 64 principles that he and other people have utilized to achieve great levels of success.

Please copy and paste the following link to get started right away and enjoy yourself while moving in the right direction for a wonderful life.

© LifeSuccess Productions 2007. All rights reserved.

About the Author
After 21 years of working for someone else, I was handed a small book entitled "The Science of Getting Rich". After reading and digesting the ideas in this book and applying them to all of the aspects of my life, I was able to retire from that position by creating and attracting wealth and abundance into all areas of my life. My new mission in life is to share this with everyone and help them benefit in their lives as well.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Term Life Insurance Explained

Term Life Insurance Explained
by Lorna Goldsborough

To protect your loved ones, life insurance is something that you need to look into. Term life insurance is one type of life insurance that you can investigate. There are several advantages and factors that might make this particular type of life insurance appropriate for you.

Essentially, term life insurance provides coverage for a certain amount of time; for instance, they can be bought for spans of one, five or ten years. After the span that the insurance has been purchased for expires, and if the subject of the policy has not died, there is usually a possibly for renewal of the policy, but there is no cash surrender value. As with other forms of life insurance, if you perish before the end of the policy, your beneficiary will receive the promised funds.

Term life insurance is considered to be pure insurance protection because there is no accumulation of cash value. Once the term ends, there is no payment. Because of this, a term life insurance policy cannot be considered as collateral security for loans. One advantage of this is that, combined with the fact that term life insurance policies are so inexpensive, that money can be put into other funds that all typically outperform life insurance in terms of profitability. Term life insurance, when coupled with things like CDs and mutual funds, can be an excellent plan for families, which have both a need for insurance and for investments that pay off quickly.

Term life insurance is the cheapest form of life insurance available, and thus ideal for families need coverage to protect against the financial distress of the death of a family member. Whole life insurance, for instance, costs thousands dollars a year, while term life insurance is seldom goes over three figures per year. The affordability is definitely one of the advantages of term life insurance, allowing needed funds to be diverted elsewhere.

A term life insurance policy is ideal for responsible family planning. For instance, parents can purchase policies that will expire when their children are adults, ensuring that the child will be taken care if should something happen to their mother or father. Thinking further ahead, a policy could be purchased to make sure the child will be able to finish college in the event of a parent's demise. This type of insurance policy can also be used as security against a mortgage. The term for the policy can match the mortgage, for instance, primarily as a protection against the death of someone who contributes to the mortgage's payment.

Term life insurance is one of many options for individuals seeking coverage. While there are policies that are more inclusive and have cash returns, there are still many advantages to term life insurance polices that make them ideal for a wide variety of people.

About the Author
Find out more about term life insurance by visiting

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Panama as an ideal destination for retirees

Panama as an ideal destination for retirees
by Smythe Bradley

Panama is becoming a popular destination for retirees as a poll conducted by American Association of Retired Persons showed Panama as the 4th best destination in the world for retired persons. International Living magazine rated Panama as the premier place for retirees to settle down. The reasons are not far to seek. Panama offers a decent living at affordable cost. Thus retirees can stretch their dollars a little more by migrating to Panama. It is a safe democratic country with stable government and offers salubrious climate with low wages and taxes.

Some of the advantages of choosing Panama as a retirees' destination are:

* High quality and at the same time affordable medical facilities * Low taxes, in fact all foreign income, capital gains, interest income are completely tax free * Property prices are low about half of that prevailing in states like Florida * Easy connectivity by air. Panama is just a few hours away from southern parts of U.S. * Foreigners enjoy the same property rights as Panamanians and there is no discrimination * Tax exemption is available for new constructions * Panama is an ideal tourists destination with some of the world?s most beautiful beaches and other tourist attractions like adventure and eco tourism * Language is not a problem as English is widely spoken and understood and Panamanians are a friendly people * Americans can feel at home as most of the products and services available in U.S. are available in Panama as well * The Panamanian government offers attractive incentive schemes to woo foreign retirees

Panama enjoys tropical climate with rainforests, wildlife, mountains and sunny beaches. It has good communication and other infrastructure facilities. Some of the incentives offered by Panamanian government to foreign retirees are:

* Retirees planning to settle down in Panama can bring $10,000 worth of personal effects without paying duties * One automobile every 2 years is allowed to be imported without taxes * 25% discount on utility bills; 25% on airline tickets and 30% discount on other forms of transportation * 20% discount on doctor?s fees; 15% on services provided by hospitals in the absence of insurance and * 10% discount on medicines * 50% discount on entrance tickets to movies, sports and other cultural events * 15% discount on loans and 20% discount on professional services

The only country that comes close to Panama in terms of costs and standard of living in Central America is Costa Rica. Panama is a young and growing country and is making great strides economically. Panama government however, does face budgetary problem and the need to provide employment to the growing population and also increase social spending but these factors have not affected foreign retirees so far.

With all the plus points listed above, Panama must be in any retiree's radar for migrating and leading a peaceful retired life.

About the Author
Smythe Bradley is an expat living in The Republic of Panama. He has published many articles on offshore asset protection in panama, panama visas and residency, as well as many other expat issues.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Cheap Life Insurance Makes Preparation Possible

Cheap Life Insurance Makes Preparation Possible
by Ray La Foy

Buying cheap life insurance may be the only way to prepare yourself and especially your loved ones for the unfortunate event of your death. I probably don't have to remind you that death is unavoidable but there really are people who try to be prepared in case something goes wrong.

If you happen to be the only earning member of your family, if something unexpected happens to you leading you to your death, you need to make sure that your loved ones have alternatives. Well-organized people take a structured approach to this by buying life insurance.

Getting insurance is very easy nowadays. There is an impressive number of companies to choose from and so many forms, you probably don't even know where to start. The real difficulty will be filtering through all those options and finding a cheap insurance policy that will give you the coverage you need.

Life policies are very varied in nature. For example, there are insurance policies that cover your death. Then, you can choose life insurance that spans only for a specific period of time, usually somewhere in between 10 and 25 years.

However, it is the cost of these insurance policies that makes some people decide not to go through with it. They have to pay a monthly or annual fee without being to able to see immediate results. This is something that makes people lose their determination. But this is not a very wise decision.

The solution is cheap life insurance. If you are wondering if there is such a thing, the answer is yes, there is. What you need to do to get it is to carefully analyze all the insurance companys' offers. First and foremost, you need to think about your requirements - your own needs. You don't need to accept the first big figure that the insurance company throws at you.

You need to take a look at the premiums, also. The premiums are in direct correlation to the amount of insurance you decide to pay. That's why you need to choose one that will give you the financial freedom to also pay the premium.

The majority of insurance policies also come with added benefits: medical benefit, loss of income benefit, etc. If you don't need them, it's advisable to pass. If you have medical cover through your employer, there's really no need to take on more.

As a last thought, I must tell you that as everything else in life, you need to conduct thorough research if you are to make an educated choice. Make sure you check out as many companies as possible and see what their offers are. Always have your requirements in mind, because it's your necessities that matter.

The truth is if you have a family, you want to do everything for them. Life insurance is a very wise choice to make, as death can occur from the least imaginable of sources. With such insurance, you make sure loved ones and family members are at least a little bit financially comfortable. After all, finding cheap insurance is not that hard.

About the Author
Shop affordable life insurance options:
Cheap life insurance.
Easy, fast life insurance quotes online:
Life insurance quotes.

Monday, April 2, 2007

California Residents: Why Health Insurance Is Important

California Residents: Why Health Insurance Is Important
by Evie Newsome

California Residents: Why Health Insurance Is Important

Are you a California resident? If you are, are you currently covered by health insurance? California is filled with a large number of residents who are actually not. If you are currently without health insurance, you will want to look into getting it, as health insurance may have an important impact on your life, your heath, as well as your finances.

When it comes to health insurance, California residents often wonder how it can have an impact on their finances. While a large number of uninsured individuals try to avoid seeking medical attention, whenever possible, there are some instances where it cannot be avoided. Whether you suffer a serious injury that needs medical attention or come down with a cold that just won't go away, you may need to see a doctor or even visit the emergency room. Should you do so while not having insurance; you will be responsible for all of your medical costs. As you likely already know, this can be quite costly. There are a large number of individuals who go into debt each year and a good portion of that debt is from unpaid medical bills. Having health insurance will prevent this from happening to you.

Concerning health insurance, California residents, at least many, are curious as to how it can help to improve their health. As it was mentioned above, there are some instances where you need to seek medical help, regardless of whether or not you have health insurance. California residents, particularly those without medical insurance, try and avoid seeking medical attention, at all costs. While many end up giving in and seeking medical attention, there are still a large number who can successfully hold off seeking treatment; however, it is important to know what could be happening to your body. There are certain illnesses and injuries that can't fix themselves. By avoiding medical treatment, you may have a difficult time healing and you may be putting your body and your health at an even greater risk.

As it was previously mentioned, not having health insurance could be costly. However, there are many California residents who think that it is too much to buy health insurance. California residents who assume this are often making a costly mistake and you are advised against being one of them. Yes, health insurance can be fairly expensive, but the good news is that there are a number of health insurance companies or plans for you to choose from. Examining a number of plans and requesting health insurance quotes is a great way to find affordable health insurance. California residents who take the time to request and compare multiple health insurance quotes are actually surprised with the amount of money they can save on otherwise expensive health insurance.

To get started, you will want to start researching and examining California health insurance. California is full of a number of health insurance companies, like Blue Cross Blue Shield, and others, all of which tend to offer multiple insurance plans to California residents just like you.

About the Author
Evie Newsome is a writer for Every Health Plan . com where you will discover a wealth of resources about Health Insurance California and other related information.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Florida Health Insurance Quote - Get the Best

Florida Health Insurance Quote - Get the Best
by Brian Stevens

Health insurance rates in Florida are some of the highest in the nation. Here's how to find the cheapest Florida health insurance quotes from top-rated companies.

Florida Health Insurance Plans

There are two types of health insurance plans:

* Indemnity plan - This plan lets you choose your physicians and pays for for all or part of your medical expenses. This is the most expensive health insurance plan.

* Managed care plans (HMOs, PPOs, POSs) - These plans set you up with a network of health care providers and hospitals, and pay for medical expenses within that network. Depending on the plan, you pay all or part of your out-of-network expenses. These plans are the least expensive health insurance plans, with HMOs being the cheapest.

Health Insurance Coverage

Whatever plan you choose it should include the following coverages:

* Hospital coverage - Pays for your room, board, and medical services when you're hospitalized.

* Surgical coverage - Pays for surgeons fees and other surgical expenses.

* Physicians coverage - Pays for your physician's office visits and your physician's hospital visits.

* Major Medical coverage - Pays for medical expenses from a catastrophic injury or illness like cancer.

In addition to the above coverages you may want your plan to include prescription drug coverage, dental care, vision care, mental health care, and maternity care.

Compare Rates

The best way to get the least expensive health insurance quote is to comparison shop. There are a number of online sites that let you compare quotes from different companies so you can choose the best quote and the best plan for your particular situation. If you have questions about health insurance plans some of these sites even have a chat feature that lets you talk with an insurance expert online. (See link below.)

Visit or click on the following link to get Florida health insurance quotes from top-rated companies in your area and see how much you can save. You can get more health insurance tips by checking out their "Articles" section.

About the Author
The author, Brian Stevens, is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written numerous articles on Florida health insurance quotes.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Life Insurance: Protection After Death

Life Insurance: Protection After Death
by Luke Ashworth

No one wants to think about death. No one wants to think about leaving their family and friends behind. No one wants to bother thinking about the details of a funeral, burial or cremation, or about leaving this earth at all. For many, death is just not going to happen to them; they're going to stay here for ever.

Unfortunately, people do die and they leave their families and other loved ones behind. Often, those left behind, are left bills, the need to deal with funerals, and burials or cremation, and wills. Those left behind don't have the ability to just forget about all the funeral expenses; they have to put their lives on hold and their wallets on the line.

Leaving this life isn't something anyone wants to think about, but it will happen, and you'll want to be financially prepared to help your family out.

The Blessing of Life Insurance

Today, the cost of a funeral can be more than the cost of a car. Many people just don't have that kind of money laying around in preparation for the unexpected. There are very few people in this world who actually have the ability to save up money for the emergencies of life. Those that can afford to hide away piles of money should do so. Those who don't should get life insurance .

Life insurance is a policy that a person purchases in order to ensure that, once they're dead, their families won't be stuck paying for an expensive funeral. In some cases, a life insurance policy is large enough to, not only pay for the funeral, but also leaves some financial support for the family of the departed.
To the children of someone who dies, a life insurance policy can be a "lifesaver". Not having to worry about where their going to get the money for the funeral, for the burial, and for the mortgage on the house is a weight off of their already burdened shoulders. Having someone you love die can be a hard blow, having to deal with their financial mistakes once they're gone, can be even harder. Purchasing life insurance is one way to ensure that not only you, but your family, will be taken care of in the event of your death.

Leave Your Family Something Other Than Debt

About the Author
About the Author

Luke Ashworth is the founder of which helps homeowners search for loans via the website

Thursday, March 29, 2007

California Individual Health Insurance: Why You Should Have It

California Individual Health Insurance: Why You Should Have It
by Evie Newsome

California Individual Health Insurance: Why You Should Have It

Are you a California resident who is currently uninsured, health wise? If you are, are you interested in getting health insurance coverage? Even if you are not, you will want to look into doing so. Although you likely already know the importance of having health insurance, there are some individuals who just need to be reminded again.

If you are a single person, looking to get insurance for you and you alone, you will want to look into getting a California individual health insurance plan. These plans are designed for people just like you, people who don't have any dependants that also need medical insurance. Perhaps, the greatest benefit of getting California individual health insurance is that it is cheaper than purchasing health insurance for the whole family. Speaking of family, there are many uninsured individual who believe that they don't need to have insurance, as long as their kids, if they have any, do. While it is easy to explain this way of thinking, you need to remember that your life and health is just as important as a child's.

Speaking of your health, it is one of the many reasons why you should have California individual health insurance coverage. When it comes to seeing the doctor, there are a large number of patients who only schedule a physician's visit when they think that something is wrong. Yes, this may be okay for some people, but as more and more illnesses and diseases are starting to appear, it is often advised that you visit your doctor at least once a year, for an annual checkup. An annual checkup may alert you and your physician to any health problems that may need treating. Although annual checkups are important, those without insurance are less likely to get one, due to the cost of an appointment. Not getting an annual checkup, due to not having any insurance, could not only be putting your health at risk, but it may also be putting off getting the needed treatment.

Another reason why you should get California individual health insurance coverage is because it is easy to do. There are a number of reputable and well-known health insurance providers in the state of California, including Blue Cross Blue Shield. All of these companies tend to have a number of California individual health insurance coverage plans to choose from. In addition to having different features or offering different amounts of coverage, these plans are also available for different prices. What does that mean for you, it means that with a little bit of comparison, you should easily be able to find an affordable California individual health insurance plan. With the ability to use the internet or speak with helpful insurance company representatives, you can easy request quotes or get more information in a matter of minutes, an hour at the most. How nice is that?

The above mentioned reasons as to why you should get California individual health insurance coverage for yourself are just a few of the many that exist. Yes, you may be able to put off seeking medical treatment for now, but there may come a time when you will need it. When that time comes, do you really want to be uninsured?

About the Author
Evie Newsome is a writer for Every Health Plan . com where you will discover a wealth of resources about California Individual Health Insurance and other related information.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

5 Tips For Cheaper Life Insurance Premiums

5 Tips For Cheaper Life Insurance Premiums
by Simon Christopher

1. Consider an income policy instead of a lump sum

Most people know that life cover pays out a lump sum if you die. But far less know that you can buy cover that pays a regular tax free income instead of a lump sum. It's official name is Family Income Benefit and is often cheaper than the more common Level Term lump sum payout option. So why would an income be better than a lump sum?

Many people who take out a life insurance policy simply want to provide an income for their family to replace the earnings lost if they died prematurely. But many policies are bought with a lump sum benefit requiring the surviving family to find a suitable savings or investment vehicle to generate an ongoing income. In addition, the interest generated from a lump sum is taxable whereas the income from a family income benefit policy is paid tax free.

For many people not used to managing large amounts of money, suddenly having to find the right savings account or investment can prove an additional burden at an already distressing time. This is where Family Income Benefit can offer the best of both worlds.

2. Consider a reducing policy for mortgage life cover

One of the most common reasons for needing life insurance is to protect a mortgage loan. The type of mortgage you have will largely dictate what form of life insurance you need but this is often one of two types of term life insurance.

If you have an interest only mortgage then you will need level cover as the mortgage debt will remain constant unless you increase or reduce the mortgage loan. However, those with a capital and interest mortgage can opt for a decreasing term policy where the cover reduces in line with the reducing mortgage loan. As the cover reduces over time so does the risk to the insurance company making this type of life insurance cheaper than the level term option.

So if you have a capital and interest mortgage with a level term life insurance policy and only need to cover the mortgage amount, you could save money by switching to a reducing policy. The downside to this is that you will lose any surplus cover provided by a level policy as the mortgage loan reduces but the level insurance benefit stays the same.

3. Stop smoking

All insurance is based on risk and so to cut the cost you have to cut the risk. With life insurance, the risk is based upon your chances of dieing whilst the policy is in force. Insurers measure the risk by assessing your health and medical history.

Anything that increases your risk of dieing prematurely will increase your premiums. These risk factors can include your current state of health, family history, hazardous occupation or hobbies but most commonly being a smoker has the greatest impact.

Now, I know you're not going to stop smoking to save money on your life insurance but its one more reason in a long list to quit. Not only will you save money on the cigarettes but you can also add a saving of around 40% on your life cover premiums too.

4. Shop around

Life insurance is a very competitive market and prices can vary widely depending upon where you look. The easiest way to compare lots of insurers and policies at once is to use one of the many free online comparison websites. The only caveat to this is to be aware that these sites only compare premiums and not cover, so have a firm idea of what type of cover you need first. This will help you to compare like with like and discover the true bargains.

Alternatively, you can use an insurance broker to do the shopping for you and this route can yield some substantial savings if you use a particular type of insurance broker.

5. Use a discount life insurance broker

If you know which type of cover you need and don't require any advice, a discount online insurance broker can save you hundreds of pounds in lower premiums.

Due to the low costs and large audiences available via the internet, many life insurance brokers have launched websites offering life insurance quotes with major insurers at discounted premium rates. These brokers are able to discount cover from major insurers by rebating much of the commission they receive from these insurers to reduce your premiums.

Savings vary but can mean genuine reductions of between 10% and as much as 40% over the insurance company's standard premiums. Many sites provide instant online quotes comparing multiple policies from leading insurance companies.

A simple Google search for discount life insurance will provide a list of most brokers or use an insurance directory like UK Insurance Index which also features customer reviews.

About the Author
Simon Christopher is an insurance writer for Life Saver Life insurance. Life Saver is an online life insurance broker providing discount life insurance quotes from leading UK insurers.

Life Insurance Planning for Senior Citizens

Life Insurance Planning for Senior Citizens
by Natalie Aranda

Life Insurance has sometimes been described as a bet between you and the Insurance Company. The Insurance Company is betting that you are going to live and you are betting that you are going to die. If you do die, you win the bet. This approach has been the basis of life Insurance policies in the past. Despite the fact that it would seem this does not much benefit an individual, the truth was that the Life Insurance payout was designed to provide for those that you left behind.

Changes in health care and the increasing life span have brought some changes to this concept. The desire for senior citizens to spend their retirement in an active adult community where they can enjoy their golden years to the maximum has prompted many to take a fresh approach to the use of the cash value of life insurance. It has also influenced the type of policies that have become popular. When a payout upon death was the main purpose of an insurance policy, the only thing that mattered was the amount of the death benefit.

Today, people in increasing numbers are opting to not spend their last years in their homes. An Arizona active adult community that is located in an area without a harsh winter seems much more attractive. A Florida active adult community situated close to the ocean would be preferably to long cold winters. This is the new dream of senior citizens, but in many cases the funds needed to make this dream come true are not available at the time of retirement. It has become possible to redeem the cash value of an insurance policy prior to death through an annuity settlement. The basic idea is the seller of the annuity provides a cash settlement to you at retirement. In return, they basically become the new beneficiary of your policy.

The annuity settlement changes the conditions of the bet. Now, you are betting that you are going to live, and the new beneficiary of your policy is betting you will die. If you live, you win. Many senior citizens are seeing this as a better idea. It takes some careful planning, and each case must be considered individually. The debt situation and the situation of a spouse and of children must be taken into consideration. The increased popularity of Individual Retirement Accounts has lessened the need for a large death payout to some degree. The best time to plan for your life insurance needs as a senior citizen is long before you ever become one. Sadly, this is not always done until too late. In this case, the options can be considered. It is not a time to be rash and seeking the advice of a trusted Insurance agent or financial advisor is highly recommended. If you plan on spending your last years enjoying a California active adult community, start that planning as early as possible.

About the Author
Natalie Aranda is a freelance writer.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Personal Life Insurance - The Evolution Of Your Portfolio

Personal Life Insurance - The Evolution Of Your Portfolio
by Donald Lusan

You have been hounded by life insurance agents from your senior years in college. You just didn't see the need to buy a policy or may be you just felt you had no need for the product. You graduate and it doesn't take you too long to get established in a good job. You have a nice apartment and some money in the bank. A life insurance agent is referred to you by a friend. He calls and you allow him to come to your home to discuss the matter only because he was referred by a friend.

You feel you have no need for life insurance but you decide to listen to what he has to say anyway. You have a small group policy on your job that is sufficient to put you six feet under and get rid of you. After a little small talk the life insurance agent begins to ask some questions.

Are you married?

Do you intend to get married sometime in the future?

How do you feel about single people having life insurance?

what about children - do you plan on having children in the future?

Do you plan on going into business in the future?
You can't see the relevance of the questions as they do not apply to your present situation but you answer them anyway.
The life insurance agent goes through between 30 and 40 questions. Some seem to hit home but mainly for some time in your future...not now.

The life insurance agent then explains that you have sufficient life insurance for now. your group policy will be sufficient to bury you and pay off whatever outstanding debts you now have. Based on the answers you give him this life insurance agent knows that you will need much life insurance in the future.

In another 5 years or so you plan to be married. It would certainly be your responsibility to guarantee that your wife can maintain the same standard of living she enjoys at the time of your marriage even if you died shortly thereafter. It really doesn't matter if she will need some life insurance for that.

The big problem is that the younger you are the cheaper it is so it may be wise to buy it now. Additionally, if you should develop some illness in the future you may not be able to qualify for your policy. If you have it from now they cannot take it away from you. You agree to buy $1,000,000 of term life insurance to start.

Home - Mortgage
Five years down the line, exactly as you planned it, you get married. You had met your wife in college. She also has a job that pays well. You are now age 35 and so is your wife. You both agree that it would be a good thing not to wait too long before having a child. You both agree to buy a house first. As you had quite a bit of money saved you start house hunting. You wife also had some savings so you both put down a substantial down payment and you own your house...

After buying your furniture something occurs to you. What would happen if you died tomorrow? Would your wife's earnings be sufficient to make the mortgage payments? You decide to buy a decreasing term policy sufficient to pay off the amount owed in the event of your death.

You wife get's pregnant. You are shortly going to have an addition to the family. Not to worry; if anything happened to you that original $1,000,000 life insurance policy will take care of them. Special attention should be paid to the rising cost of living, however. What a dollar can buy today it certainly cannot buy a few years down the line. In your case you increase your life insurance a little when the baby is born.

25 Years Down The Line
You had one other child and they have done well. They graduated from college and are looking forward to a happy and prosperous future. Do You still need the life insurance you bought over the years? It is very likely you do. You still want to provide that income for the one you love...even though your investments have done very well and you are pretty well off. If your estate is a large one the Federal Government will have to be paid what is known as Estate Taxes. The Federal Estate Tax Law has been repealed but that does not mean you have no Tax to pay.

For additional information on Estate Taxes go to:

About the Author
For more than 40 years Donald has been known for his extensive knowledge of the life insurance business. He has represented some of the largest and most admired life insurance companies in the United States as well as Canada. His advice is invaluable.

Donald's website is:

No Regrets Life Insurance

No Regrets Life Insurance
by Bruno Black

No Regrets Life Insurance


The History of Critical Illness Insurance or, as I like to call it, "No Regrets Life Insurance"

Today, Critical Illness Insurance has become one of the fastest selling products in the Canadian Life Insurance market and around the world. Critical Illness Insurance was the idea of Dr. Marius Barnard, the South African heart specialist. After seeing many of his patients suffer financially after recovering from a critical illness i.e. cancer, stroke or heart attack, Dr. Barnard saw the need for a life insurance product that would provide a financial benefit to individuals while they were still alive btereby protecting their financial resources. Critical Illness Insurance was first offered in South Africa in 1983 but was not available in Canada until 1996.

No Regrets Life Insurance - A Living Benefit

The unanticipated effect of a critical illness on a family can often be financially worse than those of death. According to recent statistics, the chances of a critical illness is much greater than death for individuals prior to reaching retirement age. Critical Illness Insurance is quite different than regular life insurance where you have to die and than someone else receives the insurance benefit. With Critical Illness Insurance, you receive a lump sum tax free benefit upon diagnosis of a critical illness such as cancer, stroke or heart attack.

In describing Critical Illness Insurance to my clients, I refer to it as "No Regrets Life Insurance" as it places the client in a win-win situation as the client can receive a benefit payment in three different ways. If the client is diagnosed with a life threatening illness, the selected benefit is paid out as a tax free lump sum; if the client dies, the beneficiary is paid a death benefit; if the client remains healthy for the life of the policy, the total premiums paid are returned. If after paying your car or home insurance for 25 or 30 years without incident you were to have the total premium payments returned, wouldn't you think that was a great deal? Wouldn't the lump sum premium payment be a great retirement bonus?

Today, it takes two working parents to meet the growing financial needs of a family. A decline in income could cause financial problems and a drop in the standard of living if one of the wage earners was to be diagnosed with a life threatening illness.

Over the years, we have bought a personal life insurance policy or have coverage from a work group plan. Having life insurance protects those we love and provides peace of mind that the family will be able to maintain their current standard of living should the main wage earner suffer an unanticipated life threatening illness or die. In reality, life insurance is death insurance. Someone must die before a benefit is paid. What would happen if you had a heart attack today? How much money would you receive from your life insurance policy? In most cases, nothing. While improvements in the health field can keep you alive longer, you have to die before your insurance pays out. What you need is an insurance that pays while you are alive - critical illness insurance that pays a "living benefit" should you become seriously ill.

Most people know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, suffer a stroke or had a heart attack. How were they affected financially? Would a lump sum payment of $50,000 or $100,000 have allowed them receive a more timely treatment; pay the mortgage and other payments; allowed them to recover without worrying about having to return to work prematurely. If you were to be diagnosed with a life threatening illness tomorrow, how much insurance coverage would you need while you recovered?

Life is so busy for most of us that we don't take the time to reflect on what could happen if we became seriously ill. If you were diagnosed with a life threatening illness tomorrow, would your family have the financial resources to manage the costs related to your illnes and be able to maintain their current lifestyle? It can happen and it does happen to thousands of Canadians yearly. Financial security means you never risk losing the two most treasured items we all have: our home and our lifestyle. Now is the time to take stock and to consider the affect on your family if you were to be diagnosed with a seriously ill or die. Don't gamble that you will remain healthy when you can hedge your bets by taking out a Critical Illness Insurance policy.

Now is the time for action. The opportunity for you to purchase Critical Illness or, as I like to refer to it, "No Regrets Life Insurance". Take the first step to protecting your family's financial future by calling me now to set up an appointment.

If you live in Newfoundland & Labrdor and have questions or to arrange an appointment, contact me at or call 728-1463 or 895-3236.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about "No Regrets Life Insurance"

About the Author
Life Insurance Professional

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
by Marilyn Katz

Life Insurance Needs Analysis is an important step for your financial planning. Even if you sit down with a professional financial planner or insurance agent, you should have some idea of what factors are used to calculate your suggested death benefits. I find that the more informed that consumers are, the more they were satisfied with their purchase decisions. It may take more conversations with informed clients to actually settle on a deal, but those deals tended to stick.

When I worked as an insurance agent, one of the most common things that clients wanted to know was how much life insurance they might need. Of course, as an agent, I had to balance an ideal figure against the cost of the premium. I knew that I needed to offer them enough life insurance to really protect their family. But if I suggested a premium rate that would not fit into their budget, then they would either refuse the policy or cancel it later. I always tried to get some idea of how much money the felt comfortable with spending.

I did write a script for a simple life insurance needs calculator. I took into account a year's salary, funeral expenses, existing debt, and planned future events like college tuition. Of course, any financial planning should include some emergency money too, so I fitted that in.

My life insurance needs estimates were actually fairly conservative, and many other financial professionals and insurance agents thought I should double them. Even with my conservative planning formula, many families were surprised. Of course every family has different needs, and any formula should only be a starting point for discussion and analysis.

For instance, part of a family's debt may the payments on a second car. They would not need that car if one spouse passed away so they could eliminate a payment. On the other hand, if one spouse did not bring in any income, one year's income may not be enough to help the family get back on track.

I think the life insurance needs calculator is a useful tool, and helps present a graphical image which many people enjoy. However it is not the only tool, and doesn't replace personal calculations.

About the Author
Visit my Free Life Insurance Needs Calculator and Get a Free Insurance Quote! Buy Instant Life Insurance Online

Monday, March 26, 2007

Life Insurance - Reasons Why You Should Buy Now

Life Insurance - Reasons Why You Should Buy Now
by Donald Lusan

Should life insurance buying be an urgent matter? There is something about some people that at times may cause them to procrastinate about matters that could end up being quite costly to the individual himself and in some cases the very ones he loves quite deeply. It just seems to such an individual that waiting until tomorrow is just fine. In my many years in the life insurance industry I have seen situations where the purchase of a policy was very timely and I have also seen a few incidents when waiting was very costly.

Sometimes people who hurry to buy their policies do so because they fear the financial disaster, to their loved ones, that may come about because they were under insured. That is not the worse thing that can happen. In my opinion, the worse situation is knowing you are going to die without sufficient life insurance...

You lay in your sick bed, whether in a hospital or at home, knowing that in a short period of time you are going to die. You know your sweet daughter whom you adore so much will not be able to continue going to the same school. You know that you talented and energetic son will have to find another team on which to play baseball...

Above all, you are very aware that the beautiful woman that you promised to love and care for until her death, will have quite a difficult time raising the children. If only!

I have heard that statement so often...if only. If only I had bought that term life insurance policy that would have guaranteed my loved ones sufficient income to carry on after my least until my youngest is age 18. If only I had bought that policy that would have paid off that mortgage upon my death. The cost was so minimal...why didn't I buy it?

You console yourself saying; "the children will not starve as my wife has a good job. They may have to get a smaller home in another neighborhood as her income is not sufficient to maintain this mortgage payment but they will be okay. My wife is very intelligent and will likely get a better job or a promotion in the company in which she is now employed". Would it not be better to know for certain?

All these things are possible but, as you lay on your dying bed, would you not feel more at peace if you were more prepared? When that life insurance agent came around you made it your duty to show him that he cannot sell you anything. When you think about it you realize the salesman was not in any way offensive. He was just trying to help.

Life insurance, whether term or permanent, can be seen as a lifeboat that is there when when the flood comes. Try not to say "if only". Buy your policy online if you prefer not to deal with an agent.

For information on how much life insurance you should buy and why go to:

About the Author
For more than 40 years Donald has been known for his extensive knowledge of the life insurance business. He has represented some of the largest and most admired life insurance companies in the United States as well as Canada. His advice is invaluable.

Donald's website is:

The Basics Of Life Insurance

The Basics Of Life Insurance
by Jim Pretin

Life insurance is a means for providing financial protection for your family in the event of your death. A life insurance contract is relatively straightforward; you agree to pay a premium at regular intervals, and the insurance company agrees to pay a certain sum of money to your beneficiary upon your death.

There are three parties to a life insurance contract. First, there is the insured. This is the person whose life is being insured under the policy. Next, there is the insurer. The insurer is the insurance company who underwrites the risk. And third, there is the owner. The owner and insured are not necessarily one and the same. Someone can buy a life insurance policy to insure the life of someone else, such as their spouse.

The person who buys the policy is the owner, and the person whose life the policy is based on is the insured. When the owner and the insured are different people, premium payments are the responsibility of the owner.

Every life insurance contract also has a beneficiary. This is the person who receives the proceeds from the policy in the event of the death of the insured, and is assigned by the owner. There are two types. An irrevocable beneficiary can not be changed unless the beneficiary gives his or her permission; if it is revocable, the owner can change it at any time.

The policy is subject to certain terms and conditions. There are usually certain exclusions that apply, depending on the person being insured. But with almost every policy, death as the result of suicide during the first two years of the policy term is excluded from coverage. Also, during the first two years of the policy, often referred to as the contestable period, the insurance company retains the right to not immediately pay out, even if the death is caused by a condition that is covered in the policy. The company can order an investigation into the death of the insured, to make sure that the death was not deliberate or the result of homicide.

The amount paid to the beneficiary is called the face amount. The maturity date is reached upon either the date when the insured deceases or reaches a certain age. Life insurance is most often used to provide income protection to the spouse of the deceased. Regardless of the reason for buying the insurance, the owner (if not the same person as the insured), must have an insurable interest. In other words, the owner of the contract must have a reason for wanting to insure the life of that person, otherwise the contract is void.

When the person covered by the policy dies, the insurance company requires proof of death before paying the claim. A notarized death certificate is the most commonly accepted form of proof. The benefit is paid out either as a lump sum or as an annuity that is paid out over time. Any annuity can be a good way to receive the benefits. It is possible for the beneficiary to set up a lifetime annuity, which would guarantee that person a certain amount of monthly income for the rest of his or her life.

There are two basic types of life insurance, temporary and permanent. Temporary insurance is known as term life. An example of a term policy would be a 20-year term life, which means that the policy will pay a death benefit if the person dies within the next twenty years.

Permanent insurance includes whole life and universal life. Whole life provides for a payout no matter when the person dies, but premiums have to continue to be paid, usually right up until the insured reaches the age of 100. Universal policies are somewhat similar, but they allow for greater premium flexibility. Universal insurance is somewhat complicated; you should talk to an agent before buying it.

I hope this information has helped you become acquainted with life insurance. You should sit down with your spouse and talk about buying a policy. Then, call an agent who works for an insurance company with a strong financial rating and make an appointment to discuss your objectives. Use the information that was presented here to help you make intelligent choices so your family will be protected in the event that something happens to you.

About the Author
Jim Pretin is the owner of, an online directory for herbal products

How to Find a Term Life Insurance Quote Online

How to Find a Term Life Insurance Quote Online
by Craig Thornburrow

Finding the right term life insurance quote online for a policy that fits the needs of you and your family can be an extremely challenging task especially since you are probably weary of putting your trust in a company you have likely never heard of to take care of your family's financial future at the time of your death.

Because so much is riding on your choice of a reputable and trustworthy insurance company, you need to thoroughly research each and every company and policy out there so you can find the best plan to keep your family secure in the future. While this was a daunting chore a few years ago, thanks to websites and faster internet speeds it is possible to compare policies and providers almost instantly making your research much quicker and more accurate.

Receiving an insurance quote through the web has really never been easier. If you have the know how to answer a couple of simple questions about your job, health and hobbies like base jumping or smoking, then you can get a few rate quotes in no time. When the rate quote website is happy with your responses, the website will crunch the data and display an instant quote right before your eyes (or one will arrive in your email soon after).

Term life insurance provides you with the best life insurance value for your cash. If there are people in your life that you deeply care about, you really need to get yourself a quote as soon as you possibly can because you never know which day will be your last.

When searching for a quote, keep in mind that the majority of people usually sign up for a life insurance plan with a payout that is equal to at least five times their current salary. While you could also opt for whatever plan gives you the best payout to premium ratio, you should ultimately make a decision based only on the welfare of your family.

When you start looking for a term insurance quote online, you will probably notice that it is totally up to you in determining how long you want your term to last. Although most people choose a twenty-year term, you may want to go for something shorter if you are concerned about the company you are doing business with. Alternatively, longer terms are useful for people who just want to get a plan and not worry about it again for many years to come.

A major benefit of recent life insurance policies allows you and your family to be refunded the amount of your paid premiums. Furthermore, in order to receive more applications, many insurance companies have begun implementing a premium return program where they return all of or part of your paid premiums provided you did not die during the term. As a drawback though, premium refund programs are usually more expensive than that of a regular term life insurance quote.

About the Author
Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on life insurance and a life insurance policy at